How does a photovoltaic system work?

Solar cells can produce electricity from sunlight. This is based on the photoelectric effect. But it is only by connecting many cells that services can be achieved that can be used technically in the home. In addition, the direct current generated by the photovoltaic system has to be converted into alternating current.

Photovoltaic systems are made up of a number of photovoltaic modules, which in turn consist of photocells or solar cells. In the solar cells, the incident sunlight is converted into electricity. Light consists of photons, the carriers of electromagnetic radiation.

The photon, also referred to as light quantum or light particle, has no mass but energy. This energy is responsible for the fact that when the photon hits semiconductors or metals, electrons are released from the structures and can therefore move freely (photoelectric effect). If there is an external potential, a voltage, current will flow.

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